Tuesday 23 April 2013

Drinking hole with nice truffle fries

I stumbled upon this place which serves awesome truffle fries! The thickness of the fries was just right, with enough crunch on the outside and still a little bit of tenderness when you bite into it. Hmmm.. the other food that my friends tried were nice too.. so if you're looking for a place to have a drink with friends you can head to Chillax at Serangoon Garden. It's tucked away at one corner of Serangoon gardens. I didnt take much pic that day cuz my friend brought her polariod camera.. and I was simply enjoying the food. Price-wise pretty affordable too.

Review: Tony Moly Natural Pulp Essence Sheet Mask Hyaluronic acid

It's Tuesday night, and I finally have time to do something about my skin- which has been dry and full of pimples. I just had my facial on Friday and my face seems like it is in need of some more tender loving care. So I went to the fridge to pick a mask to put on while I watch Rachel Ray on TV.

I bought this mask months ago when I went to Seoul. The water design on the packaging indicated that this should be some hydrating mask so that's exactly what my face needs right now! Talking about design.. My friends and I are not really a fan of the packaging.. when I place this mask together with the face shop and skin food masks for my friends to pick as their souvenirs,  this mask was not touched at all! Plus the brand did'nt help either... We've not heard of Tony Moly. But since I decided not to judge a book by it's cover, I decided to try it!

Right after I slabbed on my mask, I remembered I had Volleyball tomorrow afternoon. Not a good idea to put a mask on the night before.. but anyhow since I already did it, I decided to check up on the properties of Hyaluronic acid. 

 Hyaluronic acid hydrates the skin and drives collagen synthesis. Awesome!! I quickly tapped some of the liquid leftover in the pack onto my neck. I'm only 23 but I have wrinkle lines on my neck. I'm not sure if it's normal.. but they're rather fine so, no cause for worry.

Final verdict: I'll buy it again!

-liquid a little sticky

Friday 12 April 2013

Fish roe surprise

I found a lovely surprise at the supermarket today- Fish Roe!! I've never seen it in the supermarket before and it was the only tray of fish roe on the shelf... it seemed to be calling out to me to cook something adventurous for lunch today! And so I did! Here begins my adventure with the Fish roe!

Yes, I stared at this for a few seconds too.. Not very appetizing yet I know!
...But with a handful of chopped ginger and garlic in hot oil, pan-fry the fish roes...

They're looking better already.. And here's the final result..
 Looks like a normal piece of fried fish ehh!
They taste just like a normal piece of pan-fried fish.. Perhaps just a little more tender since it's not the meat we're eating.. it's those delicate roes.
Since they were a little dry, my mother suggested using mango puree as a sauce. (Wonderful idea I must say! It really helped to tie up the different elements of my dish)
 Tada! The final result of my dish! Pan-fried fish roe with salad and mango puree! Not bad I must say! A perfect dish to perk up my Saturday!
And of course, my fave Thai Ice tea to accompany it... slurps!